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HCCA Webinar | Benchmarking Your Whistleblowing Hotline & Incident Reporting Program

Join us to hear our speakers discuss Hotline Incident Management Benchmark Reports.  They'll touch on  third-party reporting and the impact of internal reporting on management strategies. We'll also hear them analyze the importance of tailoring compliance programs to the unique needs of healthcare organizations, recognizing that one size does not fit all.

Target Audience: Director & Senior Management

Learning Objectives:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the key findings from NAVEX's 2023 Hotline Incident Management Benchmark Report, with a focus on healthcare, the implications of third-party reporting and the impact of internal reporting on management strategies.
  • Analyze the importance of tailoring compliance programs to the unique needs of healthcare organizations, recognizing that one size does not fit all, and develop strategies for adapting incident management practices to specific program and organizational contexts.
  • Evaluate the significance of healthcare specific data in incident management benchmarking, gaining insights into best practices, and applying this knowledge to enhance incident management strategies in healthcare contexts.

Carrie Penman, Chief Risk and Compliance Officer, Navex
Aaron Aab, Associate Vice President, Customer Support and Data Analytics, Navex

Release Date: 04/11/24
On-Demand Access Available: 04/12/24
CCB CEUs: Up To 1.5

CCB Continuing Education Units
This webinar and on-demand recording has been approved for CCB CEUs. Once you complete your participation either in person or the recording you will receive a certificate with a code that you can use to claim your CEUS on the SCCE & HCCA portal. Learn More about Certification

The Health Care Compliance Association is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE sponsors for group-live activity in the recommended field of study of Specialized Knowledge. Sponsor Identification No: 105638.
Only live webinars are approved and will generate NASBA CPE certificates. The education level for this activity is considered basic. No prerequisites are required for this education. On demand (non-live) learning will not have NASBA CPE offered.

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Live Webinar 49 99
On-Demand 49 99

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